General Anesthesia

Sedation Dentist Edmonton
Twilight Dental Group offers Office-Based Anesthesia and is a Fully Accredited Dental Surgical Facility under the Alberta Dental Association and College with all anesthesia and resuscitation equipment. At our office, sedation is provided by a Qualified Dentist who’s sole responsibility is your well-being while you receive your dental treatment. Dr. Park and Dr. Fee are registered Qualified Dentists (dentists licensed to administer General Anesthesia and all other modes of sedation). Ask one of our knowledgeable staff about how this service can improve quality of care for yourself, your spouse, your children, or someone you know.
Relaxing sedation/general anesthesia is a proven technique to:
- Provide dental care for young children
- Reduce the role of fear and anxiety you and/or your family member may experience
- Allow complex dental procedures to be performed efficiently
- Assist patients who may be frightened to cope with the necessary dental treatments
- As an alternative to local anesthetic
- Be cost effective
Awake or Asleep for dentistry... it is your choice.

Mild Sedation
Oral sedatives or nitrous oxide may be used at Twilight Dental Group to provide dental work for patients who are not comfortable going to sleep. While awake and in control, patients with low-levels of anxiety remain relaxed during their procedure.

Moderate Sedation
Oral sedatives with nitrous oxide or IV moderate sedation are available to those patients who wish to remain responsive during their dental treatment. Under Moderate Sedation patients may or may not recall their experience.

Deep Sedation
Twilight Dental Group offers the option of sleep dentistry; patients are guided to sleep for their dental treatment and will not recall any aspect of their experience. It is the most common level of sedation we provide.
Relaxing sedation and general anesthesia can benefit many people, particularly:
- Young children
- Children or adults with anxiety, fear or phobias about dental care
- People with anxiety, fear or phobias about only certain dental care: endodontics, periodontal and/or surgical treatment
- People with physical, medical or emotional disabilities that may impede dental care
- People with extensive treatment needs
- People who can not control their gag reflex
- People who have an allergy to or prefer more than local anesthesia
Your comfort, your smile…
Explore our full range of dental services available under sedationBook Online
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